这里是DICSON & EMILY的爱情故事。记载着我们俩的生活点滴及心情故事。在这里可以了解到我们从相识、相知到相爱,这都不是理所当然的。这是因为我们的互相包容、彼此的关心、协调的沟通,才能让我们更加有信心的在一起携手同心,白头偕老的走向更完美的人生。
Here is the love story of Dicson & Emily.It consists of every footstep and moment of our story.Hereby,it shows from the moment of us knowing each other,understanding & ultimately, loving each other.All of these special moments did not happen without a reason. Tolerating, Caring, Mutual understanding are the main keys that lead and build up the confidence in us to go through every obstacle.
With hand in hand together until the very edge of our life.This website does not contain luxurious or innovative design but it consists the evidence of love in Dicson for Emily. Hopefully,everyone is able to give the deepest gratitude and wish for both of us.Much appreciated and thank you with love!